You might have seen the poll I conducted a couple of weeks back. I asked my LinkedIn community what the number one thing they look for in a collaborator is.
46% of you replied with “communication”. This is a great point; no matter how good your work is and how well you can manage your tasks, without great communication skills, you can’t create an effective collaboration. This is definitely one of the first things I look for in candidates at @Teque!
56% of you, on the other hand, prioritise experience and expertise, which is, of course, a very important factor when looking for a collaborator. It would be interesting to know which one of the two people prefers… broad experience in the industry or narrow yet incredible expertise in the specific area required in the collaboration. Food for thought until the next poll!
None of you chose “education/qualifications” as your priority. Nowadays, you can learn many skills in a number of ways… university degrees aren’t as valued as they used to be, and people like to assess collaborators and candidates from their skills and not by the pieces of paper they might or might not hold.
What do you think?